Low Latency Programming

30/09/2021 — David Gross — davidgross@optiver.com

About me

  • MSc Computer Science (France)
  • 15+ years of programming
  • 10+ years of C++
  • 7 years at Optiver
  • C++ AutoTrading developer and Team Lead
  • https://github.com/david-grs

About this talk

  • Based on a Low Latency Workshop
  • A simple methodology for low latency programming
  • Some useful tools — mostly Linux
  • Actual C++ code
  • Questions: https://www.sli.do/ — Code: #599 376

About Optiver

  • Amsterdam, Sydney, Chicago, Shanghai
  • 1986
  • 440 people
  • 45 nationalities

About Optiver

  • Market Making
  • Provide prices
  • Improve the market
  • Calculate the correct price
  • Being faster than the competition

What is low latency programming

  • It's not about throughput!
  • Ability to quickly react to an event
  • CPU-bound tasks, IO is outside of the scope
  • It's all about time

There is no silver bullet...

  • No compiler flags
  • No kernel config option
  • No library

...but there are golden rules

  • Measure
  • Do not optimize prematurely
  • Know your problem
  • Know your libraries
  • Know your hardware

How fast is fast?

CPU architecture - Intel Haswell

CPU architecture - Intel Haswell

System tuning 101

RDTSC — Read Time-Stamp Counter

inline uint64_t rdtsc()
    uint64_t rax, rdx;
    asm volatile("rdtsc" : "=a"(rax), "=d"(rdx));
    return (rdx << 32) + rax;

System tuning 101

System tuning 101

System tuning 101

  • C-States, P-States
  • Dynamic frequency scaling incl TurboBoost
  • HyperThreading
  • Process isolation
  • Low Latency Performance Tuning for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7

Step 1

Identify the hot path

Identify the hot path

  • Profilers don't work for events
  • Know which code is "hot"
  • Microbenchmark the hot code

Today's excercise

class Dictionary
	Dictionary(const std::vector<std::string>& words);

	bool in_dictionary(std::string_view word) const;

Google Benchmark

Google Benchmark

void InDictionary(benchmark::State& state)
	int idx = 0;
	Dictionary dict(words);

	for (auto _: state)
		std::string_view word = words[idx];
		idx = (idx+1) % words.size();

Google Benchmark

void NotInDictionary(benchmark::State& state)
	int idx = 0;
	Dictionary dict(words);

	for (auto _: state)
		std::string_view word = unknown_words[idx];
		idx = (idx+1) % unknown_words.size();

Google Benchmark


Google Benchmark

Run on (4 X 3504 MHz CPU s)
2018-01-17 14:19:55
Benchmark                                Time           CPU Iterations
InDictionary                           725 ns        725 ns     884585
NotInDictionary                        812 ns        811 ns     838950

Naive implementation

class Dictionary
	Dictionary(const std::vector<std::string>& words)
		: _container(words.begin(), words.end())

	bool in_dictionary(std::string_view word) const
		return _container.find({word.data(), word.size()}) != _container.end();

	std::set<std::string> _container;

Step 2

Algorithmic complexity

Valgrind & Callgrind

  • Instrumentation framework
  • Unix only
  • Callgrind - profiler
  • KCachegrind - GUI

Valgrind & Callgrind

$ valgrind --tool=callgrind ./benchmark 
$ kcachegrind 


$ valgrind --tool=callgrind ./benchmark 
$ kcachegrind 

Naive implementation

class Dictionary
	Dictionary(const std::vector<std::string>& words)
		: _container(words.begin(), words.end())

	bool in_dictionary(std::string_view word) const
		return _container.find({word.data(), word.size()}) != _container.end();

	std::set<std::string> _container;

Improved implementation

class Dictionary
	Dictionary(const std::vector<std::string>& words)
		: _container(words.begin(), words.end())

	bool in_dictionary(std::string_view word) const
		return _container.find({word.data(), word.size()}) != _container.end();

	std::unordered_set<std::string> _container; // <-- O(1)

Benchmark: Improving algorithmic complexity

Benchmark, InDictionary, NotInDictionary set, 771, 867 unordered_set, 178, 193

Step 3


KCachegrind output

KCachegrind output

Improved implementation

class Dictionary
	Dictionary(const std::vector<std::string>& words)
		: _container(words.begin(), words.end())

	bool in_dictionary(std::string_view word) const
		// This line allocates, creating std::string from std::string_view
		return _container.find({word.data(), word.size()}) != _container.end();

	std::unordered_set<std::string> _container; // Stores std::string

Non-allocating implementation

class Dictionary
	Dictionary(const std::vector<std::string>& words)
		: _data(words.begin(), words.end())
		, _index(_data.begin(), _data.end())

	bool in_dictionary(std::string_view word) const
		return _index.find(word) != _index.end(); // No allocation!

	std::vector<std::string> _data; // Stores std::string
	std::unordered_set<std::string_view> _index; // Stores views

KCachegrind output

Benchmark: Removing allocations

Benchmark, InDictionary, NotInDictionary set, 771, 867 unordered_set, 178, 193 no alloc, 108, 116

Step 4

Cache coherence



Open addressing


Papi - example use

	papi::event_set<PAPI_TOT_INS, PAPI_TOT_CYC, PAPI_BR_MSP, PAPI_L1_DCM> events;

	// Micro-benchmark loop is here

		<< events.get<PAPI_L1_DCM>().counter() / state.iterations()
		<< " L1 cache misses";

Papi - output

98 L1 cache misses
16 L1 cache misses
7.89 L1 cache misses
6.617 L1 cache misses
6.3805 L1 cache misses
6.03766 L1 cache misses
6.03299 L1 cache misses
6.03683 L1 cache misses

Open addressing implementation

	struct Entry
		std::size_t hash;
		const std::string* string = nullptr;

	std::vector<Entry> hashTable_;

Open addressing implementation

	bool in_dictionary(std::string_view word) const
		auto hash = std::hash<std::string_view>()(word);
		auto idx = hash % hashTable_.size();

		while (true)
			const Entry& entry = hashTable_[idx];

			// detect bucket
			if (!entry.string)
				return false;

			// detect match
			if(entry.hash == hash && *entry.string == word)
				return true;

			// probe
			idx = (idx + 1) % hashTable_.size();

PAPI++: Cache misses

Hashmap, Cache misses Chaining, 6.03683 Open addressing, 3.9278

Benchmark: Open addressing

Benchmark, InDictionary, NotInDictionary set, 771, 867 unordered_set, 178, 193 no alloc, 108, 116 open addr, 74, 74

Step 5

CPU instructions


  • "The official" Linux profiler
  • Has access to the same counters as PAPI
  • Instruments running binary
  • Produces nice reports
  • And so much more!

Perf report

  0,12 │       mov    %edx,0x8(%rsp)
       │       mov    $0xc70f6907,%edx
  0,16 │     → callq  std::_Hash_bytes(void const*, unsigned long, unsigned long)@plt
       │                     auto idx = hash % hashTable_.size();
       │       xor    %edx,%edx
  0,12 │       mov    %rax,%r14
 18,01 │       div    %rbx
       │           const_reference operator[](size_type __n) const _GLIBCXX_NOEXCEPT
       │           { return *(this->_M_impl._M_start + __n); }
  0,08 │       mov    %rdx,%rax
       │       mov    %rdx,%r12
  0,47 │       shl    $0x4,%rax
  0,27 │       add    %r15,%rax
       │                             if (!entry.string)
 35,52 │       mov    0x8(%rax),%rdx
  0,12 │       mov    %rax,%rcx
       │       test   %rdx,%rdx
  0,47 │     ↓ jne    1a4
       │     ↓ jmpq   230
       │       nop
       │                             idx = (idx+1) % hashTable_.size();
  3,06 │180:   lea    0x1(%r12),%rax
       │       xor    %edx,%edx
  5,89 │       div    %rbx
       │       mov    %rdx,%rcx
       │       mov    %rdx,%r12

Finding offending code

	bool in_dictionary(std::string_view word) const
		auto hash = std::hash<std::string_view>()(word);
		auto idx = hash % hashTable_.size(); // <-- Flagged by perf

		while (true)
			const Entry& entry = hashTable_[idx];

			// detect bucket
			if (!entry.string)
				return false;

			// detect match
			if(entry.hash == hash && *entry.string == word)
				return true;

			// probe
			idx = (idx + 1) % hashTable_.size(); // <-- Flagged by perf

Fixing offending code

	bool in_dictionary(std::string_view word) const
		auto hash = std::hash<std::string_view>()(word);
		auto idx = hash & (hashTable_.size() - 1); // Fixed?

		while (true)
			const Entry& entry = hashTable_[idx];

			// detect bucket
			if (!entry.string)
				return false;

			// detect match
			if(entry.hash == hash && *entry.string == word)
				return true;

			// probe
			idx = (idx + 1) & (hashTable_.size() - 1); // Fixed?

PAPI++: Instructions per cycle

Implementation, Instructions per cycle DIV, 0.62 AND, 0.80

Benchmark: Removing DIV

Benchmark, InDictionary, NotInDictionary set, 771, 867 unordered_set, 178, 193 no alloc, 108, 116 open addr, 74, 74 no div, 53, 53


  • Always measure
  • Keep an eye on algorithmic complexity
  • Avoid allocations / synchronization
  • Use cache efficiently
  • Look into generated assembly

Links, resources, tools
